Computer Services

Welcome to the DCB Information Technology webpage. Here you will find contact information for the IT team and resources pertaining to the IT department. Below is some brief information about the different programs and apps we utilize on campus. Click the app icon for more information. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to us. Our team contact information is below.

Quick Help Guide


Core Technology Services (CTS)

CTS manages a lot of the online apps and services that the entire NDUS system utilizes. If there's an issue affecting any of those services you can get a status update at the link below. If you need to submit a ticket for a particular issue, you can follow the second link below.

NDUS System Status Page

Submit a Helpdesk Ticket with CTS


Computer, Website, Network, DUO MFA, NDUS Account, Email or Phone Support

Contact Jacob Nelson for assistance


Thatcher Hall Room 209


Teams Classroom, Respondus Lockdown, Collaborate Ultra, Ally, or YuJa Support

Contact Mike O'Toole for assistance


Thatcher Hall Room 206


Printer & Teams Classroom Support

Contact Jo Leader for assistance


Molberg Center


Blackboard Support

Contact Stacy Allard for assistance


Thatcher Hall
Academic Center for Excellence


If you need help resetting your password for Campus Connection, Blackboard, or your DCB Email account, please use this form. We can work with you to make sure you get back into your account. If you need assistance after hours (in the evening), please follow this link instead.

Please wait...

NDUS Helpdesk for Students

  • Reset your password
  • Claim your NDUS account
  • Access 24/7 Helpdesk



TeamViewer allows us access to your computer so that we can provide remote computer troubleshooting.

Duo Mobile

DUO Mobile

DUO Mobile is a Multi-Factor authentication app designed to protect your NDUS and email account.


Office 365

Office 365 is your access to your email account and full featured Microsoft apps, like Word, Excel, & PowerPoint.



Palo Alto GlobalProtect is a virtual private network (VPN) agent that allows internet access to our internal resources.


Recommended Downloads

Firefox Icon

Mozilla Firefox

Firefox is the recommended Web Browser by the Dakota College Information Technology Department. It works best with the online resources that we use here on campus and online.

Respondus Lockdown Browser Download

Respondus Lockdown Browser

The Lockdown browser is used for tests, quizzes, and exams for certain courses. If you need Lockdown Browser to take a test, click on the icon to download and install it to your computer.


Recommended Computer Specifications

We get asked often what computer specifications should someone look for when purchasing a new computer. There are many options out there and many laptops and desktops that will get the job done. If you follow our recommendations, you should end up with a computer that will last you several years without slowing down.

  • CPU - Intel Core i3 or better OR AMD Ryzen 3 or better (central processing unit)
  • RAM - 8GB of RAM or more (random access memory)
  • SSD - 250GB or more (solid state drive)
  • OS - Windows 11 or MacOS 13 Ventura (operating system)
  • Built-in webcam for online classes
  • 14" screen for best portability or a 15.6" screen for best usability
  • Anticipate to spend at least $400-500+ on a laptop or a desktop
  • Chromebooks will not work for online courses. We use specific software that is not compatible on ChromeOS.

Technical Requirements

If you are enrolled in online courses you will be required to have the following technologies available to use for coursework.

Blackboard Icon

  • A  PC running Windows 11 is recommended
  • A Mac running MacOS 13 Ventura or better (MacOS 15 Sequoia is recommended)
  • Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for a web browser
  • Access to highspeed internet (DSL, Cable, Satellite, or Fiber)
  • A webcam and microphone is required for most classes
  • Office 365 is required and provided through your student email account
  • Tablets, phones, Chromebooks, and netbooks will not work for online courses


The Information Technology Team


Mike Leader
Help Desk Technician
Thatcher Hall 209


Jo Leader
IT Support Specialist
Molberg 26

Photo of Jacob Nelson

Jacob Nelson
IT Support Director
Thatcher Hall 209


Michael O'Toole
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Thatcher Hall 206