DCB Student Handbook 2023-2024

35 | P a g e D C B S t u d e n t H a n d b o o k Student Conduct Code Representing the College As stated in the College catalog, students may not represent the College unless they are enrolled in 12 or more credit hours. Also, representing Dakota College at Bottineau in intercollegiate athletics or other extracurricular activities is a privilege awarded to students in good academic and social standing. Organization advisors will establish guidelines in regard to what standards of academic progress they will require for participation. Good social standing involves more than merely being free from disciplinary probation. It includes a record of good conduct, both on and off the campus. Students who are involved in frequent or serious misconduct, whose actions off-campus affect the interests of the college community and/or lead to arrest or detention by law enforcement authorities, or whose overall demeanor and attitude are not complimentary to the College should not assume they are in good social standing. Organization advisors will establish codes of conduct required for participation in their activity. Conduct Guidelines The primary responsibility of the academic community is to provide for the enrichment of intellectual experience through its stated missions and functions. The Student Code of Conduct is prescribed to protect students, insure their rights and property, the property of the College and foster the academic mission of the College. Students are responsible for knowing, understanding, and complying with all published rules, regulations and policies, which include but are not limited to, the College catalog, student handbook, residence hall handbook, and the residence hall contract and the Campus Safety and Security handbook. Each student has a responsibility to observe and to help maintain a code of personal behavior and social relationships which contribute to the educational responsibility of the College. The conduct of a student at the College is expected to reflect a responsible attitude toward campus regulations as well as the laws of the community, the state, and the nation. These standards apply to all students as long as they are a part of the academic community and the College assumes that students have courteous habits that do not impinge on other members of the community. Students surrender the privileges of membership in the academic community only though abuse of stated standards of scholarship or behavior. Attendance at Dakota College at Bottineau is optional and voluntary. By enrolling at the College, each student acknowledges the authority of the school to set standards and impose disciplinary sanctions. These standards may be higher than the behavioral expectations of society at large, and the College expects from its students a higher standard of conduct than the minimum required to avoid disciplinary action. Conduct guidelines are applicable whenever students are representing the College, including when being transported to or from extracurricular events. Also, Dakota College at Bottineau’s conduct guidelines apply to campus visitors. Students who are able to discipline themselves know and will abide by the College’s conduct guidelines. Therefore, in the administration of student conduct, an effort is made to assist students toward self-discipline. Violations, or aiding and abetting individuals in a violation, of any of the following may prompt disciplinary action by the College and attempted violations will be treated in the same manner as actual violations. (This list is not meant to be inclusive and disciplinary action will be taken whenever deemed necessary.) 1. Disorderly Conduct : Dakota College at Bottineau uses the definition for disorderly conduct that is defined in the North Dakota Century Code, section 12.1-31-01. The proscription against disorderly conduct is applicable to conduct on the college campus and to approved events or sponsored activities on or off campus: An individual is guilty of a class B misdemeanor if, with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person or in reckless disregard of the fact that another person is harassed, annoyed, or alarmed by the individual's behavior, the individual: a. Engages in fighting, or in violent, tumultuous, or threatening behavior; b. Makes unreasonable noise; c. In a public place, uses abusive or obscene language, or makes an obscene gesture; d. Obstructs vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or the use of a public facility; e. Persistently follows a person in or about a public place or places; f. While loitering in a public place for the purpose of soliciting sexual contact, the individual solicits the contact; g. Creates a hazardous, physically offensive, or seriously alarming condition by any act that serves no legitimate purpose; or h. Engages in harassing conduct by means of intrusive or unwanted acts, words, or gestures that are intended to adversely affect the safety, security, or privacy of another person. This section does not apply to constitutionally protected activity. If an individual claim to have been engaged in a constitutionally protected activity, the