DCB Student Handbook 2023-2024

10 | P a g e D C B S t u d e n t H a n d b o o k Trespass Visitors to Dakota College at Bottineau are expected to respect the need for Dakota College at Bottineau staff members to conduct business in their respective offices in an orderly and timely manner. When individuals have no legitimate business or when they have been given adequate time to complete their business and subsequently proceed to interfere with College activities or operations, immediate compliance with the law may be enforced. Failure to comply with a Dakota College at Bottineau administrators request to leave the premises may result in the arrest of an individual(s) for criminal trespass or other appropriate charge. NDCC Sec. 12.1-22-03(3) makes a person guilty of a Class B misdemeanor if: “Knowing tha t he is not licensed or privileged to do so, he enters or remains in any place as to which notice against trespass is given by actual communication to the actor by the person in charge of the premises or other authorized personnel or by posting in a manner reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruder.” Financial Responsibility Students must pay in full debts to the College such as tuition and fees, room and board charges or fines. Failure to meet these obligations will result in the denial or cancellation of registration or graduation privileges and/or the refusal to release transcripts, or other student records — unless the debt has been discharged under the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978. The College will take no action, however, in the case of debts incurred off campus by students. Students whose room and board payments are due but whose financial aid or financial assistance is pending will only be allowed an extension upon permission of the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. Political Activity Political activity is governed by the State Board of Higher Education policy 308.3. The policy is available a t www.ndus.edu. Political or campaign literature can only be posted on the public bulletin board in the Student Center. Tobacco Use Dakota College at Bottineau is a tobacco free campus meaning that the use of tobacco products on campus is prohibited. Distribution of Materials Those who wish to distribute materials or set up a display on campus must gain prior approval from the Associate Dean of Student Affairs. Visitors must adhere to the times and locations assigned to them. Visitors distributing material must do so in an unobtrusive manner. They are prohibited from acting in a manner that disrupts or impedes the course of business at the college. Solicitation on campus is prohibited. Solicitation and the distribution of materials in the residence halls is also prohibited. Campus Buildings Arntzen IVN Building houses Physical Plant Services. Gross Hall Gross Hall is a women’s residence hall. All rooms contain two beds, a sink, desk, 2 closets, and each floor has a bathroom/shower and laundry facilities. Knudson Student Center This building consists of a game area, big screen TV, and computer lab. The dining center is located here. Mead Hall Mead Hall is a men’s residence hall. All rooms contain two beds, a desk, 2 closets and each wing has bathroom and shower facilities. The lower level houses laundry facilities, common area, and kitchenette. Milligan Hall Milligan Hall is a coed residence hall. Rooms are designed as suites, accommodating up to four students per suite. Each room has individual bathroom and shower facilities, common area, closet, desk, and bed. Lower level includes kitchenette and laundry. Molberg Center This structure is home to agriculture, horticulture, industrial hemp, and aquaponics programs. The Center includes greenhouses and an administration building, as well as offices for faculty horticulture and agriculture. The North Dakota Forest Service headquarters is also located here. Nelson Science Center This building contains lecture rooms and laboratories for the departments of science and math, faculty offices, and distance education office. Old Main Old Main was the first building constructed at Dakota College at Bottineau. Under construction. Thatcher Hall This building is the largest on campus. The first floor consists of administrative offices, bookstore, library, the Academic Center of Excellence, gymnasium, fitness center, and classrooms. The second floor consists of faculty offices, classrooms, the Alumni Conference Center, IT department, and the Foundation office. Athletic Team Names/College Song/College Colors Team Mascot The Dakota College at Bottineau athletic teams are nicknamed the “Lumberjacks” Alma Mater Our strong band can ne’er be broken, it can never die; Far surpassing wealth unspoken, seal’d by friendships tie. Chorus: Hail to thee our Alma Mater, serving us as we Walk the years, in joy or tears to life as ought to be. Mem’rys leflets closely twining ‘round our hearts for aye,