Summer 2019 Course Syllabi

Cheating: Cheating will not be tolerated. Any student found to be cheating will receive a 0 on the assignment, an additional incidence of cheating will result in the student being dismissed from the course. Disabilities and Special Needs: If you have any condition, such as a physical or learning disability, for which you need extra assistance, please inform me immediately. If you have already met with Student Development personnel, please provide me with information regarding your special needs as soon as possible so that appropriate accommodations can be made. Additional Important Details A few things to think about before we get started: 1. You need to have an audience of a minimum of 5 people (ADULTS – or at least your age) to deliver your speech. So put together a plan to ensure that you will have an audience for each speech! Our discussion question for week 1 is to share "who is your audience" - so be sure to put together a plan - and a back up plan if someone is not available! If I can not see the audience your speech will NOT be graded. If you don’t have 5 audience members, I will not grade the speech. Do not ask me to allow it once, as I won’t. It is a requirement. 2. Class will go quickly - so be sure not to fall behind! You will each be assigned speeches to view and comment upon - so if your speech is not posted - you will not get the peer reviews. Also - late speeches are docked 10% per day late - so you can lose a lot of points quickly! 3. There will be a total of 7 speeches in this course. The first three speeches (introduction, narrative and brown bag) will not be graded based upon performance. You will earn full points (25) assuming that you meet the time limit and follow the parameters of the assignment. The final three speeches will be graded. Please take a look at the peer review sheets attached in weeks 4,5,6 and 7 as I will use the same form that you will use for peer evaluations. The form clearly shows all of the areas where you will be evaluated. The informative and visual aid/demonstration speeches are worth 100 points each. The final persuasive speech is worth 150 points. Please see the syllabus for more information. For the graded speeches the time limit is INCREDIBLY important. I deduct 10 points for every 30 seconds you are under or over the time limit (and I will prorate). So - for instance - if you are 15 seconds too short you will lose 5 points. If you go 2 minutes over the time limit you will lose 40 points. Watch your time! Also in the graded speeches I will count the filler words (um, like, ya know, etc). I follow this scale for filler words: