Summer 2019 Course Syllabi

Points are deducted for late submissions/late work. With appropriate documentation, the following absences may be classified as excused for permitting make up work for missed deadlines: Emergency medical treatment for self may be considered as an excused absence with appropriate written documentation from the health care facility; Unavoidable jury duty may be considered an excused absence with appropriate written documentation; Employment related training or special assignments may be considered an excused absence with appropriate written documentation; Military reserve or active duty obligations may be considered excused with appropriate written documentation; Students must maintain a clear channel of communication with the instructor. See the announcements and course for in depth information on the late work policy. ___________________________________________________________________________ APA Formatting and Reference Guidelines: I know I do not need to tell you that it is considered plagiarism - academic fraud - to represent someone else’s thoughts and words as you own. Therefore students must be careful to give credit to authors by citing all resources. As standard practice, graduate students are expected to cite all resource references using MLA or APA formatting and reference guidelines. If you are using APA style, I recommend the use of The APA Pocket Handbook (ISBN 978-097422184), or Rossiter, J. (2007). The APA pocket handbook. DW Publishing Co. ___________________________________________________________________________ Grading Rubric: Tasks/Papers/Assignments LETTER GRADE LANGUAGE SKILLS CONTENT & FORMAT APA STYLE A= Exceeds most assignment criteria Perfect spelling, grammar, tense, and voice, with liberal use of synonyms to exhibit Surpasses minimal length, with meaningful, relevant, individualized, Citations are frequent and correct, while making good use of