Summer 2019 Course Syllabi

Week 10 Spring break XXXXXX Week 11 Deaf/Hard of Hearing - parts of the ear, screening, causes, sign language, educational implications, assistive technology, models of service delivery Read Ch 10 for T Week 12 Blind/Visually Impaired - definition, anatomy of the eye, causes, braille, O and M, assistive technology, models of service delivery Exam #3 - TH covering Ch 8-11 T- Read Ch 11 Exam #3 - TH Week 13 Autism Spectrum Disorder - history, definition, Asperger Syndrome, causes, identification, educational considerations, assessment, sensory needs, service delivery models Read Ch 12 for T Week 14 TBI, Deaf Blindness, Multiple Disabilities Read Ch 13 for T Week 15 Physical Disabilities - CP, Epilepsy, Spina Bifida, MD, OI, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, FAS/FAE, Asthma, AIDS, PT, OT, DAPE Read Ch 14 for T Week 16 G/T - Read Ch 15 for T Week 17 IEP, Secondary Transition, Student Led IEPs, Mandated reporter, Develop an IEP Final Exam covering Chapters 12-15 on May 2nd