Summer 2019 Course Syllabi

• Define a functional behavior assessment and positive behavior intervention plan • Discuss early intervention services and services for transition into adulthood • Discuss the role of the family in the education process and how to facilitate their involvement • Discuss the role of the general education teacher, paraprofessional and special education teacher in providing services to students with disabilities Course Requirements: Grading is based on a standard college curve, where students earn a grade based upon the percent of total points possible. Drop quizzes or in class work may not be made up. There will be a one week grace period to make up any missed exams or assignments. Any missed exam/work not made up within that allotted time will be given a zero. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule make-up work during a date and time mutually convenient for the student and the instructor. Final letter grades are based on the following criteria: A - 89.5 - 100% of the total points B - 79.5 - <89.5% of the total points C - 69.5 - < 79.5% of the total points D - 59.5 - <69.5% of the total points F - <59.5% of the total points Tentative Course Outline (Subject to Change): WEEK Discussion Topic and Activities Assignments/Readings Week 1 T - Review syllabus, Questionnaire, Overview of the class Th- Definition of exceptional learner, special education, careers in special education, person first language, history and origins of spec ed, legislation related to spec ed Read Chapter 1 in text for Thursday IDEA, ADA, Every Child Succeeds Scavenger Hunt Week 2 UDL, Self Determination, Deinstitutionalization, Inclusion, Differentiation, RtI/MTSS, Collaboration, Progress monitoring, Accommodations vs Read Chapter 2 in text