Summer 2019 Course Syllabi
Grades: A = 93-100% B = 85 - 92% C = 78 - 84% D = 70 - 77% F = 69% and below Exams 75% Assignments 25% Tentative Course Outline:Brief Content 1.Managers in the Leisure-Service System 2.Management as a Professional Discipline 3.Key Management Roles in Leisure-Service Agencies 4.Leisure-Service Program Development 5.Facilities Development and Maintenance 6.Creative Fiscal Management 7.Human Resource Management a.Maximizing Staff Performance 8.Public and Community Relations a.Growing Use of Partnerships 9.Leisure-Services and the Law a.Risk-Management Concerns 10.The Controlling Function: Evaluation, Research and Management Information Services 11.The Creative Manager: Facing the Future General Education Goals and Objectives:
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