Summer 2019 Course Syllabi

General Education Goals and Objectives: Having seen many recreational facilities I have had the opportunity to see some of the best and worst designs imaginable.Each facility presents its own unique challenges and if these challenges are not addressed and overcome, the result is a facility with design problems. Typically the larger a building project, the greater the likelihood that mistakes will be made in the planning and design process.Details are overlooked and sometimes major mistakes are made in the planning process and not discovered until after the facility is built and opened for use. These building issues are real and not uncommon as we would like to believe, so this class is intended to provide a basic understanding of the planning and design process as well as the unique features of many types of facilities.Although there is no such thing as a perfect building, with time, effort and expertise devoted to proper planning future building bloopers can be kept to a minimum. Relationship to Campus Theme: The two-year Recreation Management major prepares students for employment in a wide variety of recreation and leisure settings. The program also provides a means for graduates to become certified as an Associate Park and Recreation Professional through the National Park and Recreation Association. Classroom Policies: Online Class - Work needs to be completed within the designated timeline. Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is the core set of values and principles that is at the foundation for DSB itself.Integrity, honesty, hard work, and the determination are values that help translate personal and professional principles into behavior. It is a reflection of the students' experience here at DCB and is a measurement of the very worth of the degree in which you are pursuing. Disabilities and Special Needs: If you have any special needs please inform me, your instructor so we may address the matter.Within our abilities we will do the best to accommodate you the student.