Summer 2019 Course Syllabi

Course Requirements Learning algebra is an investment of time . Algebra is learned best by practicing, reflecting, and practicing some more. While understanding the steps in the topic explanations and video presentations is a good first step, to truly master the material you should be able to look at a problem, know how to proceed and be able to carry out the steps WITHOUT ASSISTANCE . The multiple attempts allowed during independent practice (including homework and practice tests) in MyMathLab provides opportunities for you to get to that point. Passing grades on the mid-term and final exam demonstrate that you have indeed mastered the skills taught. Tentative Course Outline Chapter 1: Graphs, Functions, and Models Chapter 2: More on Functions Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions and Equations; Inequalities Mid-Term Exam Chapter 4: Polynomial Functions and Rational Functions Chapter 5: Exponential Functions and Logarithmic Functions Chapter 6: Systems of Equations and Matrices Final Exam General Education Goals/Objectives Competency/Goal 3: Demonstrates the ability to solve a variety of mathematical problems Learning Outcome 1: Utilizes mathematical skills to solve problems • Performance Indicator 1: Solves problems using an appropriate method • Performance Indicator 2: Produces graphs Relationship to Campus Theme The student will use algebra to solve application problems in nature, economics, science, psychology, etc. The graphing calculator will be used to represent solutions visually and to find answers to complex problems.