Summer 2019 Course Syllabi

A = 89.5% to 100% of the total points (510 points to 570 points) B = 79.5% to < 89.5% of the total points (453 points to 509 points0 C = 68.5% to <79.5% of the total points ( 390 points to 452 points) D = 59.6% to <69.5% of the total points (339 points to 389 points) F = < 59.5% of the total points (<339 points) Tentative Course Outline: Hours - Introduction to Wholesale Marketing 0.5 - Overview of Wholesale Marketing Methods 1.0 - Marketing Cooperatives 0.5 - Restaurant and Institutional Sales 1.0 - Introduction to Direct Marketing 0.5 - Overview of Direct Marketing Methods 1.0 - Direct Farm to Consumer Considerations 2.0 - Closer Look at Pick Your Own Market 2.0 - Road Sign Stands and Farmers Markets 2.0 - Community Support Associations (CSA) 0.5 - Work experience (two markets) 4.0 - Exam 1.0 - TOTAL 16.0 General Education Goals/Objectives Not Applicable Relationship to Campus Theme: This course addresses the campus theme of Nature, Technology and Beyond by learning about our natural resources and how best to utilize each resource. Marketing methods promote fresh and safe vegetables using technology to inventory and notify wholesalers of available quantities. Classroom Policies: 1. Cell phones, iPods and related technology are prohibited in the classroom at all times. It is recommended that you do not bring your cell phone into the classroom or, at the very least, turn it off. 2. Food and beverages are permitted in accordance with IVN classroom policy. 3. Be respectful of other students, instructors and guests. Academic Integrity: All students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. Dishonesty in the classroom or laboratory and with assignments, quizzes and exams is a serious offense