Summer 2019 Course Syllabi

EDUC 220 Classroom Management Syllabus- Online Kaley Mills, MS Ed. Fall 2019 DAKOTA COLLEGE BOTTINEAU promote positive strategies of conflict resolution and to develop personal self-control, self- motivation and selfesteem - Identify the principles of child guidance based on the developmental characteristics of young children Required Textbooks and Materials: All materials are provided in the course. Grades: Grades are earned through points and converted into a percentage . Late work is accepted with a 10% deduction, a few late grades can drop the course grade drastically so please submit work on time. Percentages are calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total points possible. Grades are assigned to percentages as follows: Percent Grade 90-100% A Target 80-89% B Acceptable-high 70-79% C Acceptable-low 61-70% D Unacceptable 0-59% F Unacceptable Course Assignments: Description of Assignment/Assessment Points Possible Points Received Philosophy Builders (PB) 15 PBs x 10 pts 150 Participation: Students are required to participate in the course each week. This includes logging in to the course 3 times a week. Students will engage in “Philosophy Builders” to develop a person stance on important issues or concepts they learned from the week’s reading/objective. Participation is earned based on number of substantive posts over the two-week topic (7 topics x 20 pts = 140 pts) 140 Topic Assignments: Each topic contains an assignment aligned with the topic’s objective (CMP). (7 CMPs x 50 pts = 350 pts) 350 A final Classroom Management Plan is assembled and created using the CMPs. 150 A final reflection essay is used to summarize course learning. 150 Total Points Possible & Received: 940 /940