Summer 2019 Course Syllabi
ISBN-13: 978-06-443178-1 Additional information: none Type: Required resource Course Requirements: Complete weekly lessons. Read a chapter a week and take chapter tests and some open book tests. Answer essay questions for some of the chapters. Write 3 essays (based on the 3 children's books mentioned above.) Complete all assignments by the dates listed. Tentative Course Outline: The topics presented will help students planning to go into education. Understand the value of literature to children, the different genres of literature, and strategies for instruction are covered. General Education Goals/Objectives: Through literature, children learn about other cultures. (Gen Ed Goal #8) Being exposed to different types of literature can motivate children to enjoy reading. (Gen Ed Goal #9) Through DVD books, e-books, and online literature, children benefit from the connections between technology and literature. (Gen Ed Goal #3) Through literature, children can learn about nature and environmental concerns. (Gen Ed Goal #5) Relationship to Campus Theme: Reading and writing topics and assignments will include nature and environmental concerns. Classroom Policies: Regular participation is expected. All quizzes and exams can be taken on any computer with Internet access. Students should select an environment conducive for testing (distraction-free area at home, a computer lab at a library, etc.) Students can take the tests at any time between the given dates and times. Each test will be available for a limited period of time. Participation: Participation is a significant part of your grade, and if you are not “present,” then you obviously cannot participate. To be a successful college student, consistent and constructive participation each week of class is essential and expected. Habitual negligence of your coursework can result in a significant negative impact on your overall grade and financial aid status, and if there has been a significant lack of participation or submissions for two weeks or more, you should not expect to pass the course and may be asked to withdraw.
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