Summer 2018 Course Syllabi
General Education Goals/Objectives Goal 4: Demonstrates effective communication Objective 5: Demonstrates effective oral communication skills Skill 1: Uses appropriate volume, eye contact, rate pronunciation, articulation, and gesticulation effectively Skill 2: Adapts to a variety of speaking and listening situations Skill 3: Uses listening skills to critique, evaluate, and/or assess oral communication Skill 4: Creates original work Classroom Policies: Late work is docked 10% per day late. This is the policy for all assignments in all circumstances. Because this is an eight week course it will move quickly – it is important that you stay on schedule and post work by due dates. This class will be a place where all thoughts are welcome, no one fears sharing their opinion, and minds are open to new ideas. You have all EARNED the opportunity to be here by completing the same criteria, thus making you equals. As emerging leaders, you are expected to show respect for each other’s differences. Conflicting opinions are part of life and will create dynamic discussions. The instructor reserves the right to end these discussions and the participants will agree to disagree. It is your responsibility to keep all assignments that are graded and handed back to you. In the case of a grade dispute, it is the student’s responsibility to provide past assignments to confirm grades. The syllabus is a living document that is subject to change. All assignments will be confirmed during the class prior to their due date. The instructor reserves the right to allow the class agenda to fluctuate as the course progresses. Academic Integrity: Plagiarism: To plagiarize is to “steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one’s own” ( Webster’s Dictionary ). Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this course. When completing a research paper, it is necessary to cite all information gathered from other sources - including direct quotations and paraphrases - within the text of the paper using parenthetical notes at the end of the documents in a works cited list. A handout regarding the MLA guidelines is available at the writing center if you would like further information. Students are expected to follow MLA guidelines for the research paper. If you have any questions - please contact myself or go to the learning center for more information. Students found plagiarizing material will receive a “0” for the assignment. Cheating: Cheating will not be tolerated. Any student found to be cheating will receive a 0 on the assignment, an additional incidence of cheating will result in the student being dismissed from the course.
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