Summer 2018 Course Syllabi
F = Fails most assignment criteria Constant inaccuracies in spelling, grammar, tense, and voice, with the same vocabulary used tediously Short of minimal length, with unrelated or incorrect ideas, that have no flow or reach wrong conclusions Citations absent, or APA style is so badly presented as to make the entire task suspect for plagiarism. Discussion Boards: Tips for Discussion Posts 1. Make sure that you complete all of the assigned readings, homework etc. before drafting your main post. 2. Use multivariate thinking and reasoning to assure that you have identified and considered ALL of the variables associated with the topic before drafting your main post. 3. You will be evaluated based on your differentiation between simply subject familiarity and topical mastery. (The more you write and the more variables you offer in your assertions, the greater the likelihood that you will meet the criteria for display of subject mastery.) 4. DO NOT simply cut and paste references from outside sources without offering analysis and commentary. Please make sure that NO MORE than 25% of your post contains reference materials. And, ALWAYS use quotation marks, indent, and reference your sources. All posts and papers are checked against Turnitin to assure academic integrity. 5. Your main post should be NOT LESS than 3-4 paragraphs in length (depending on the complexity of the topics, and you should always post a sufficient number of follow ups posts during the week to provide examples of your subject knowledge and mastery. 6. The university requires that you be graded on a qualitative basis and assess your level of subject knowledge based on a rubric that distinguishes between recitation of facts, topical understanding, or subject mastery. 7. Full credit for assignments is reserved for those who demonstrate subject mastery. Partial credit is assigned to those demonstrate a lesser level of understanding and awareness about topical issues. 8. Part of the assessment is a determination as to your involvement, participation, and submission of comprehensive posts that showcase subject mastery. SAMPLE "A" GRADED DISCUSSION BOARD POST The following is an illustration of how to respond with a fully developed answer.
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