Summer 2018 Course Syllabi

LAB LAB # TOPIC 1 Organization of the Body 2 Introduction to Human Physiology 3 Histology 4 The Skeletal System 5 Fetal Pig Anatomy 6 The Muscular System 7 The Nervous System 8 The Senses 9 Cardiovascular System 10 Arteries and Veins 11 The Respiratory System 12 Digestive System 13 Urinary and Reproductive Systems 14 Genetics General Education Goals and Objectives This course meets General Education Goal 1: Explains the interrelationships between humans and their environment and the role of science in their lives. Specific objectives include: 1) Demonstrates the application of the scientific method of inquiry (Objective #1). 2) Demonstrates an awareness of the role of science in everyday life (Objective #3) Relationship to Campus Theme : This course addresses the campus theme by incorporating the latest diagnostic procedures, treatments, and other technologies that are used to identify and treat human diseases and disorders. Classroom Policies 1) Be respectful of other students and the instructor. Student Email Policy Dakota College at Bottineau depends upon email as an official form of communication. A student’s campus-assigned email address will be the only one recognized by the campus for official mailings. The liability for missing or not acting upon important information conveyed via campus email rests with the student. Academic Integrity All students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. Dishonesty in the classroom or laboratory and with assignments, quizzes and exams is a serious offense and is subject to disciplinary action by the instructor and college administration. For more information, refer to the Student Handbook. Disabilities and Special Needs If you have a disability for which you need accommodations, you are encouraged to contact your instructor and the Learning Center (228-5479 or 1-888-918-5623) to request disability support services as early as possible during the beginning of the semester.