Summer 2018 Course Syllabi

Tentative Course Outline : This schedule is designed to give you an idea of where you should be in the course. All of the homework assignments and quizzes are open through the end of the semester, but this timeline will help keep you on track to complete all of the material in the course. Chapter Topics Dates Chapter 3 Sections 3.1 – 3.6 Graphing & Functions Weeks 1-3 Chapter 5 Sections 5.1 – 5.6 Exponents & Polynomials Weeks 4-5 Chapter 6 Sections 6.1 – 6.7 Factoring Week 6-8 Final Exam COMPREHENSIVE Week 8 Course Requirements: Learning algebra is an investment of time. Algebra is learned best by practice, reflect, and practice some more. Understanding the examples provided by the instructor and textbook is a good first step. However, to truly know the material, you should be able to look at a problem, know how to proceed, and carry out the steps WITHOUT ASSISTANCE. The independent practice and graded homework provide opportunities for you to get to that point. Passing grades on quizzes and tests demonstrate that you have indeed learned the skills taught. Specific sections will be assigned each week and they will be due Sunday night at 11:59 PM, Central Daylight Time of that week. Do not leave all of these until Sunday, but instead make sure to do the work well in advance. Homework Assignments: These are graded assignments that can be done multiple times. Only the highest score will be calculated into the student’s overall grade. If the assignment is done after the posted due date, 30% will be deducted from your score. Quick Quizzes: Each lesson and homework is followed by a graded quiz of three questions. The due dates correspond with those of the related homework assignments. Tests: An ungraded pre-test is given early in the course. Six graded tests and a comprehensive final are administered over the eight-week term. Students are allowed one attempt on each test. It is the student's responsibility to take tests on (or before) the dates they are available. A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% 40% Homework & Quick Quizzes 60% Tests 100%