Summer 2018 Course Syllabi

Course Objectives - Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Explain interpersonal skill development 2. Understand individual differences 3. Learn to build self-esteem and self-confidence in the workplace 4. Understand interpersonal communications 5. Exhibit teamwork skills 6. Group problem solving and decision making 7. Comprehend cross cultural relations and diversity 8. Understand how to resolve conflict with others 9. Become an effective leader 10. Understand how to motivate others 11. Helping others develop and grow 12. Explain positive political skills 13. Demonstrate customer satisfaction skills 14. Explain ethical behavior Tentative Course Outline  Interpersonal Skill Development  Understanding Individual Differences  Building Self-Esteem and Self- Confidence  Interpersonal Communication  Interpersonal Skills for the Digital World  Developing Teamwork Skills  Group Problem Solving and Decision Making  Cross-Cultural Relations and Diversity  Resolving Conflicts with Others  Becoming an Effective Leader  Motivating Others  Helping Others Develop and Grow  Positive Political Skills  Customer Satisfaction Skills  Enhancing Ethical Behavior Classroom Policies: Plagiarism To plagiarize is to “steal and pass off the ideas or words of another and one’s own” (Webster’s Dictionary). Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this course. When completing a research paper, it is necessary to cite all information gathered from other sources – including direct quotations and paraphrases – within the text of the paper using parenthetical notes at the end of the documents in a works cited list. A handout regarding the MLA guidelines is available at the writing center if you would like further information. Students are expected to follow MLA guidelines for research papers. If you have any questions – please contact myself or go to the learning center for more information. Students found plagiarizing material will receive an “o” for the assignment. Absences and Assignments Due Dates Late work will incur point deductions: 10% off in points for each day it is late. Any assignment turned in after 3 days will result in a 0. This is the policy for all assignments. Participation is expected. You are responsible for the activities for each weekly module. If you know of a conflict ahead of time, you are welcome to submit assignments early or notify your instructor before the assignment due date.