Summer 2018 Course Syllabi
Course Requirements Active participation in online discussion is required. Expectations include reading all assigned chapters and materials, participating in online group discussions, and completing all assigned work within the allowed time frame. Course Outline : Refer to course topical outline for course schedule, assignments, exams and a break-down of course grades. Relationship to Campus theme: The goal of principles of nutrition is to provide an introduction to nutrition and provide an educational continuum for degree advancement. Classroom Policies Assessment Methods: Assessment methods include participation in discussion boards, 2 projects, unit quizzes, a mid-semester exam, and a final exam. Instructor may require use of Tegrity proctoring and Respondus lock down per discretion. Grading Policy . Class grade will be calculated by dividing total points earned by total points possible and grades will be assigned according to the following: A= 100-90% B= 89-80% C = 79- 70% D= 69-60% F= 59-0% Any late assignments or quizzes will be reduced by 10% per day unless prior exception granted by instructor or extenuating circumstances. Late exams will be reopened only with extenuating circumstances per instructor's discretion. Academic integrity: Tests are timed, opened book. All discussions, papers, projects, and exams must be personally completed. Academic honesty is expected of all students. Cheating and/or plagiarism may include: using unauthorized assistance on any exam, paper or project; or curse material from an instructor or student; or submitting the same academic work for credit more than once without consent. Violations will result in receiving a "zero" on the assignment or exam if cheating is suspected by the instructor. Disability Policy : Any students requiring accommodations should contact the Learning Center for assistance. .
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