Summer 2018 Course Syllabi

DAKOTA NURSING PROGRAM Bismarck State College • Dakota College at Bottineau • Lake Region State College • Williston State College 2 2. Burton, M. A. & Ludwig, L. J., (2015) Fundamentals of Nursing Care Concepts, Connections and Skills (2 nd ed), Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis (Text and Study Guide) 3. Davis Skills Videos (2015), Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis 4. Doenges, M., (2016) Nurses Pocket Guide Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions and Rationales , (14 th ed.) F. A. Davis 5. Horntvedt. (2015) Calculating Dosages Safely: A Dimensional Analysis Approach. (1 st ed.) FA Davis. 6. Silvestri, L. (2016) Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX PN (6 th ed.) St. Louis: Saunders/Mosby. 7. Skyscape Nursing Constellation package (Includes Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses, and Davis’s Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications 8. Weber and Kelly (2014). Health Assessment in Nursing. (5 th ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott. *Students must have reliable high speed internet which is required to access online books and resources. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (With Related Learning Activities and Evaluation): NURS 126: Clinical Practice III Program Student Learner Outcomes (SLOs) NURS 126 Course Student Learner Outcomes (SLOs) Learning Activities Course SLO Evaluation Teamwork and Communication 1. Participate as a member of the interdisciplinary health care team through effective communication and collaboration in the delivery and management of client care.  Clinical & Lab activities  Client assessment documentation  Concept Mapping  ATI resources and exams  Clinical performance evaluation  Grading Rubric for concept mapping  Grading rubric for simulation  ATI exams Professionalism and Leadership 2. Incorporate professional standards and scope of practice as a certificate practical nurse while pursuing professional growth within legal, ethical and regulatory frameworks.  Clinical & Lab activities  Concept Mapping  Client assessment documentation  ATI Leadership and management exam  Mock interviews  Clinical performance evaluation  Grading Rubric for concept mapping  Grading rubric for simulation  Grading rubric for Leadership rotation  ATI exams  Mock interview grading rubric 3. Use delegation skills to manage client care for clients across the health- illness continuum in collaboration with other members of the health care team.  Clinical & Lab activities  Concept Mapping  Client assessment and documentation  ATI exams and resources  Clinical performance evaluation  Grading Rubric for concept mapping  Grading rubric for simulation  Grading rubric for leadership rotation  ATI exams 4. Accepts accountability for own professional behavior and development.  Clinical & Lab activities  Concept Mapping  Client assessment documentation  Sim Charting  NCLEX review  Clinical performance evaluation  Grading Rubric for concept mapping  Grading rubric for simulation