Summer 2018 Course Syllabi

Week 4 Chapters 22 and 23 Quiz 2 Week 5 Chapters 24 and 25 Essay Draft Due Week 6 Chapters 26, 27, and 28 Quiz 3 Week 7 Chapters 29, 30, and 31 Final Essay Due Quiz 4 Week 8 Finals Week Optional Extra Credit Paper Due Final Exam Lecture/Lab Schedule: Online and asynchronous. General Education Goal: Beyond the standard goal of any History course that students will be able to identify key historical events and people and the forces surrounding those events, this course has the goal of educating students in credible written communication. History requires analysis and argument. Because this is an online course, all communication is written. Hence, students will have the opportunity to develop the following skills: 1. Uses the stages of the writing process to develop, organize, and present ideas in writing. 2. Analyzes the demands and possible strategies of a writing task, based on topic, purpose, context, and audience, and then accomplish that task with clarity. 3. Demonstrates competent writing that includes a clear, original thesis or claim, appropriate evidence and support, a logical structure, and a style of language that serves the writer's purpose and audience.