Summer 2018 Course Syllabi

. Student Email Policy: Dakota College at Bottineau is increasingly dependent upon email as an official form of communication. A student’s campus-assigned email address will be the only one recognized by the campus for official mailings. The liability for missing or not acting upon important information conveyed via campus email rests with the student. Tentative Course Outline : Week 1: The Essence of a Contract Week 2: The Seismic Phase Week 3: The Developmental Phase: Confidentiality, Joint Venture, Letter Agreements Week 4: The Developmental Phase: The Oil & Gas Lease; Area of Mutual Interest; Farm-out Week 5: The Developmental Phase: Production Payment Week 6: The Drilling Phase Week 7: Joint Operating Agreements Week 8: Unit Operating Agreements General Education Goals/Objectives : N/A Relationship to Campus Theme (Nature, Technology, & Beyond) : This course requires the application of science, technology, and social sciences to perform business tasks. Classroom Policies :  Regular participation is expected. Students should commit a minimum of 3 hours per week to class activities.  Learning activities and progress checks will occur in the Moodle learning system and require Internet connectivity.  Progress Checks can be taken multiple times to ensure understanding of the concepts. The highest score will be used. Each progress check must be completed on or before the due date.  Assignments and discussions are due by the last day of the week in which they are assigned. Evaluation : Grades for the course are calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total points possible. Letter grades are assigned using the scale below.