Summer 2018 Course Syllabi

Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title: ENGL 125 - Introduction to Professional Writing (online) Number of credits: 3 Course Description: Introduction to the process and techniques for creating workplace writing. Letters, memos, formal and informal reports and instructions. Introduction to the rhetoric of workplace writing. Pre-/Co-requisites: ENGL 110 Course Objectives: The following competencies reflect the contribution of Introduction to Professional Writing to the General Education Objectives and thus are assessed as part of the course as well as part of the assessment of learning outcomes of the General Education Curriculum. • Students will be able to present information in a way that effectively communicates a particular message to a particular audience in a style and format consistent with the demands of a professional or technical setting. • Students will read closely and analyze what is read. • Students will learn to find and evaluate sources, then integrate and acknowledge sources in their writing. • Students will learn to work collaboratively with others and will apply a variety of invention and review techniques to their own and each other’s writings. Express ideas through effective writing Sub-competencies: • Use the stages of a writing process to develop, organize, and present ideas and information in writing. • Analyze the demands and possible strategies of a writing task, based on topic, purpose, and audience, and then accomplish that task clearly and effectively, including the choice of the most effective presentation form for a professional setting. • Demonstrate competent technical and professional level writing through writing that includes a clear main point, appropriate evidence and support, and a style of language that serves the writer’s purpose and audience. • Use appropriate technology and the principles of format and document design to present information in a design and format that communicates effectively and is consistent with a professional or technical setting. • Develop—alone or in collaboration with artists or other professionals—graphics and other visuals to enhance written text.