Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

ASC 087 Week 14 editing Week 15 Final draft of essay Week 16 Final examination Grading The final grade in this class is based on the essays and other writing, in-class participation assignments, and tests on the reading assignments. Learning Objectives Since ASC 087 prepares students to produce the writing they need to succeed in college course work, the learning objectives are identical to three of the four learning objectives for ENGL 110 listed at the articulation and transfer page of NDUS website: https://www.ndus.edu/employees/articulation-transfer/courses-with-common- transferrable-content/ The information in this section to the next heading is direct quote from the NDUS website. The following competencies reflect the contribution of College Composition I to the General Education Objectives and thus are assessed as part of the course as well as part of the assessment of learning outcomes of the General Education Curriculum.  Students will be able to write in different essay types or genres (such as memoir, letter, proposal, exam essay) for a variety of audiences and in a variety of contexts. Students will be aware of and will practice inventing, planning, drafting, and revising.  Students will read closely and analyze what is read.  Students will begin to learn to find and evaluate information resources, then integrate and acknowledge sources in their writing. Express ideas through effective writing Sub-competencies:  Use the stages of the writing process to develop, organize, and present ideas in writing.  Analyze the demands and possible strategies of a writing task, based on topic, purpose, context, and audience, and then accomplish that task with clarity.  Demonstrate competent College Composition I writing through finished writing that includes a clear, original idea, appropriate evidence and support, and a style of language that serves the writer’s purpose and audience.