Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
FORECASTLE CARD Articles of Agreement Welcome aboard! PHOT 234 ONLINE Portrait Photography Three (3) Credits Course Description: In this course, students will learn all aspects of commercial portrait photography including lighting, equipment, locations, posing, techniques, post production, and careers. Students will work in a professional studio environment to learn all aspects of commercial portraiture including head shots, school photography, groups, sport memory mates, kids, families, pets, senior pictures, and weddings. Pre-/Co Requisites: PHOT 180, PHOT 190, PHOT 150 Course times: Online – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – fall and spring semesters Instructor: Todd Vorenkamp Office number and hours: 24/7 Online—usually respond within 24 hours Phone: DCB Photo studio—(701) 228-5657—The studio manager handles all calls to this number. Please contact the instructor via email. Email: For any questions you may use the mail feature within the online class, or my school email - todd.vorenkamp@dakotacollege.com
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