Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Textbook - Title : Law for Business Author : Ashcroft Publisher : South-Western, a Thomson Business Edition/Year : 15 Edition Additional information : none Type : Required resource Course Objectives - Objectives : It is expected that students will be able to identify and understand specific legal issues that may arise in the business environment. Course Requirements - Requirements : There are no educational prerequisites for this course. Chapters Each student must read the assigned chapters. Online Lectures  Each chapter has an e-lecture which is a slide presentation with audio. To hear the lecture, students must use a computer with audio capabilities. Exams  Student progress and understanding are evaluated through a number of timed, online exams. Exams consist of matching, multiple choice and true and false questions. There are 10 exams upon which grades will be determined. Links to each exam are found in the content area of the course and on the course calendar.  When you look at the course calendar, the specific exam will be released to you on the date shown and that exam will be available for 72 hours. You MUST take the exam during this time block.  Also, the exams are timed. Once you begin to take the exam, you will have 1 hour to complete it, so plan accordingly. Once you begin an exam, you must finish it during that