Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

General Education Goals/Objectives: In this class, the goal is to prepare the student for ASC 88, which in turn will prepare the student for Com 110, which is a required General Education course. Program Objectives: 1. Read Critically to understand content, draw inferences, synthesize information and evaluate message and form. 2. Compose polished writing by way of inventing, drafting, revising and editing-applying rules and conventions for standard, edited English (spelling, usage, mechanics). 3. Demonstrate personal style and technique when creating visual works of art. 4. Use information effectively and ethically 5. Synthesize information, utilize listening skills and critical thinking to engage in intellectual discussions 6. Critique others’ work as a group, self-analysis, and/or through writing. 7. Plan and exhibit a display of class projects when applicable. 8. Recognize and/or evaluate formal characteristics, synthesize originality and historical information. Relationship to Campus Theme: Dakota College at Bottineau has the theme Nature, Technology, and Beyond. In this class, we will include these items in our reading and writing. Classroom Policies: Attendance-Attendance is required as we only have a short time to learn the material. We will have a reading or writing assignment worth five points in every class, which will help your grade. If there is an illness or emergency, absences will be tolerated as long as you email me ahead of the start of class. I will then give you a small assignment to make up for the in class points. Cell phones-You may bring your cell phone. If you get an important call, take it in the hall. Your full attention will be needed during class, so although we can use our phones to look up items we are discussing or researching, please do not use it for entertainment. Pay attention to class. I reserve the right to dismiss you from class if your use of phone or electronics distracts or disturbs the class. Respect-Treat each other and the teacher with respect. I in turn will treat you with respect.