Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
DAKOTA NURSING PROGRAM Bismarck State College • Dakota College at Bottineau • Lake Region State College • Williston State College 1 NURS 127 Syllabus - Spring 2019 COURSE: NURS 127: Practical Nursing II: Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing CREDIT HOURS: 2 Semester Hours (32 classroom hours) COURSE DESCRIPTION: Examine safe and effective client care of the bio-psychosocial individual along the health-illness continuum. Students will be involved in teaching and learning activities that enhance critical thinking skills, examine aspects of self-determination, health promotion, disease prevention and evidence based practice. Students will increase their understanding of nursing process and prioritization in the care of culturally unique clients across the lifespan in an ethical and legal manner. MEETING TIME: Section I 0900-1050 on Thursday BSC-Bismarck A, BSC-Ashley, BSC-Garrison, BSC-Hazen and LRSC- Devils Lake Section II 1300-1450 on Thursday BSC-Bismarck B, DCB-Minot, LRSC-Mayville Section III 0900-1050 on Tuesday DCB-Bottineau, DCB-Valley City, LRSC-Grand Forks, WSC-Williston and WSC-Tioga INSTRUCTOR: Barb Haugland, MSN, RN (Section I Faculty) LRSC Nursing Instructor Lake Region State College 1801 College Drive North Devils Lake, ND 58301 Office Hours: email or call for an appointment LRSC Toll free 1-800-443-1313 ext 4627 Office Telephone 1-701-665-4627 barbara.haugland@lrsc.edu Tracy Bina, MSN, RN (Section II Faculty) Nursing Instructor/Site Facilitator Lake Region State College Mayville State University Site Old Main Office # 11 330 3rd Street NE Mayville, ND 58257 Office Hours: email or call for appointment Office (701) 788-5261 tracy.bina@lrsc.edu Jennifer Moreland, MSN, RN (Section III Faculty) DCB and LRSC Nursing Instructor Lake Region State College 1425 S Columbia Road Grand Forks, ND 58201 Office Hours: email to set up an appointment jennifer.moreland@lrsc.edu
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