Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

MUSC 207: History of Pop/Rock Music 5 Section 4: Artistry and Disruption: Rock-n-Roll in the 1970s and 1980s Week 10: Rock and Roll Experiments  Tuesday, March 19: Psychedelia  Analytical Essay : Revised Prospectus or Final Draft for Section 3 Due  Textbook : Covach & Flory, 254-295 & 343-359.  Thursday, March 21: The Rock Artist  Textbook : Covach & Flory, 300-302, 307-324, & 328-336.  Reading : James Parker. “The Whitest Music Ever.” The Atlantic . September 2017.  ICE : PSA - How did artistic experiments reshape popular music in the 1970s? Week 11: Musical Disruptions  Tuesday, March 26: Punk “Rewrites” the Rules  Analytical Essay : Outline Due  Textbook : Covach & Flory, 363-366, 390-398, & 441-446.  Thursday, March 28: Punk DIY Ethos & Indie Rock  Textbook : Covach & Flory, 410-417 & 477-480.  ICE : Essay - How did Punk disrupt popular music? Week 12: Musical Explosions  Tuesday, April 2: Metal Explodes on the Scene  Analytical Essay : Rough Draft Due  Textbook : Covach & Flory, 453-463.  Thursday, April 4: Rap Revolutions  Textbook : Covach & Flory, 463-477 & 516-524.  PSA : Last day to submit a PSA for Section 4  ICE : Group Presentation - How did Metal & Rap disrupt popular music? Section 5: Alternative to What? Rock-n-Roll in the 1990s and 2000s Week 13: The Underground Sees the Light  Tuesday, April 9: Alternative and Indie Go #1  Analytical Essay : Revised Prospectus or Final Draft for Section 4 Due  Textbook : Covach & Flory, 480-487 & 539-537.  Thursday, April 11: New Rock Stars  Textbook : Covach & Flory, 497-508.  Reading : Ann Powers. “Women on the Verge: At the End of the '90s, A Few Artists Set the Stage for a New Era,” Weekend Edition Saturday . NPR, July 31, 2018.  ICE : PSA - Why did “alternative” rock bands become worldwide best-selling artists? Week 14: All Kinds of Rock  Tuesday, April 16: Rock Diversifies  Analytical Essay : Outline Due  Thursday, April 18: Rap Goes Mainstream  Textbook : Covach & Flory, 516-524.  ICE : Essay - Why did rap become the popular music of the 2000s? Week 15: Rock Goes Digital  Tuesday, April 23: Technological Rock  Analytical Essay : Rough Draft Due  Textbook : Covach & Flory, 542-579.  Thursday, April 25: The Millennial Generation & Rock Music  PSA : Last day to submit a PSA for Section 5  ICE : Group Presentation - Define popular music in the 2000s