Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

You need to come to class prepared, get involved, work in your group, treat others as you would want to be treated, and bring a positive attitude and strong work ethic. Homework Assignments & Lab Activities: Homework and other activities in which you practice and apply the concepts of the course are important. It is important for you to read and do the homework on a regular basis. There will be problems assigned for each chapter in MyStatLab. Chapter assignments close at 11:59 PM, CDT on the night before the corresponding test. You get two attempts at each problem so you can learn from your mistakes. Do the work well in advance. Late assignments will not be accepted. The assignments are the minimum amount of homework you should complete. If you need to do more problems to understand the material, then you should do so. The MyStatLab site is loaded with tools to help you learn – videos, animations, online version of the book, StatCrunch (the statistical software linked with MyStatLab), a calculator, and other materials. Use these materials to you advantage. When working on homework problems, you will notice icons on the side; you can click on these to directly bring you to the resources related to that section of the book. Case Studies: At the end of each chapter is a case study which pulls together the key ideas of the chapter and has you apply these concepts in a meaningful context. Not all of these case studies have been assigned, but two-four of them will be. They have specific due dates that will be announced in class as well as posted in MyStatLab. Do not procrastinate on these! They require you to think about, apply, and write about the material of the course. What you hand in must reflect good writing and the correct application of the concepts we have learned in class. Tests: Approximately nine graded tests are administered over the semester. Students are allowed one attempt on each test and must be completed in one sitting. If a student leaves the classroom during a test, the test will be collected and graded. Tests must be taken on the day they are given or previous arrangements must be made prior to the test day. If you miss an exam you must contact me within 24 hours of the missed exam to arrange for a time to make up the exam. Exams must be made up within 72 hours of the original exam time. If you do not contact me within 24 hours, a grade of 0 will be entered for the exam that was missed. Students are only allowed to make up ONE exam per course. The exam grade will be docked 10% per day for late points. Cheating on tests will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating, that will result in an automatic 0 for the exam. A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% 20% Homework 20% Lab Activities 20% Case Studies 40% Tests 100%