Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

General Education Goals/Objectives: Goal 5 – Employs the Principle of Wellness Objective 1 – Demonstrates Healthy Lifestyle and Physical Wellness Skill – Identifies the differences between healthy life choices and consequences of negative behaviors. Relationship to Campus Theme: This course will provide the student with the ability to look beyond their days as a student in preparation for a career in physical education. Classroom Policies: Reading the assigned handouts and web pages is the student’s responsibility, and is essential to success in this course. It should be noted though that it is in your best academic interest to read material before the week of lecture/discussion as to aid in your understanding. Any deadlines are final and your work is due on the day specified. Any late work will be discounted from full credit. Academic Integrity: There will be zero tolerance of any form of academic dishonesty. Disabilities and Special Needs: Please inform the instructor within the first week of classes if any assistance is required due to disabilities or special needs