Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Course Requirements: Participation is the major requirement in this course. Students must attend class and participate in the running activity. Students are responsible for signing in each class period. Make up runs will be scheduled throughout the semester. Students are only allowed to make up 2 unexcused runs. There are a total of 15 running activities in this class. Varsity sports participation does not count as a make-up running activity. A Completion of 90% running activities (14) B Completion of 80% running activities (12) C Completion of 70% running activities (11) D Completion of 60% running activities (9) F Completion of <60% running activities (8 or less) Tentative Course Outline: Week Topic Dates Distance Monday Distance Wednesday Week 1 Introduction and Baseline 1 Mile Run March 4 & 6 1 mile (baseline) 1 mile Week 2 Proper Form and Safety During the Run March 18 & 20 1 mile 2 miles Week 3 Running Attire: Footwear and Preventing Chaffing March 25 & 27 1.5 miles 3 miles Week 4 Improving Your Time: Speed Work April 1 & 3 16 x 100 meters 32 x 100 meters Week 5 Distance Running: 5K, 10K, 13.1, 26.2 April 8 & 10 2 miles 4 miles (or 50 minutes) Week 6 Hitting the Wall: Motivation April 15 & 17 2.5 miles 5 miles (or 50 minutes) Week 7 Fueling: Nutrition Prior, During and After a Run April 22 & 24 Spring Holiday (run 2 miles on your own) 3 miles Week 8 10K Final April 29 & May 1 1 mile (baseline) 10K In order to receive a grade in the class, students must complete the 10K final run. Each Monday, class will begin with a short lecture on a specific topic. After the lecture, students should reflect on what they learned during the short run. Each Wednesday will consist of a longer run. Monday runs should be completed at a faster pace than Wednesday runs. Students are encouraged to time these runs. Nike+RunClub is an excellent app that records pace, distance, and splits. Student are highly encouraged to download this app and track their miles (add fellow classmates and the instructor, if desired). General Education Goals/Objectives:  Goal 5: Employs the principles of wellness. Relationship to Campus Theme: Campus theme: Nature, Technology, and Beyond  Students will experience all that nature has to offer during outdoor runs.  Students will also become familiar with technological advancements in the field of running (i.e., GPS watches, improved shoes/clothing, fueling).  Students will understand the biopsychosocial implications of making running part of their everyday lives. Classroom Policies:  Participation . Students are expected to participate in all class activities, putting forth their best effort. Students are also expected to be respectful of their environment while running (no littering, no running across private property, running no more than 3-wide on the road, etc.).