Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title: HPER 100, Concepts of Wellness and Fitness Number of credits: 2 Course Description: HPER 100 is a course designed for students of all ages that teaches facts about exercise and physical activity. It is designed to teach students the role of physical activity in maintaining adequate health and improving quality of life. The course is designed to incorporate ideas through lectures and activity. You will not be forced to do anything you do not feel comfortable with while we are doing the Physical Activities. Pre-/Co-requisites: None Course Objectives: To educate and engage the student in activities that will enable him/her to make positive lifestyle choices, based on self-responsibility that will prepare the student to meet the demands of life. To have fun in a safe and caring learning environment. Instructor: Dan Davis Office: Thatcher Hall 123 (Under the Bleachers beside the team room.) Office Hours: By Appointment or stop in (Outside of days I am out recruiting or performing Athletic Director duties, I am in the office from around 10 am thru 5 pm. Phone: 701-228-5451 Email: danny.davis@dakotacollege.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday: 10 am – 10:50 am Textbook(s): Fit & Well (Fahey, Insel, Roth), Eleventh Edition Course Requirements: o Textbook – Fit & Well (Fahey, Insel, Roth), NOT REQUIRED, BUT RECOMMENDED o Attire – Proper clothing for activities o Attendance Policy – grade is affected by attendance. Points will be given and not given depending on your appearance in class. 1. You will be given 4 points a class period for attendance. 2. Unexcused absences will result in that you will not receive any points for that day. 3. If you notify me beforehand about absences, that will benefit your attendance grade. If I am notified prior to class (at least ½ hour before class begins), you will still get 3 points for unexcused absences. 4. Excused absences (athletic events, field trips, etc.) are counted neither for nor against you and will not factor into your attendance grade. o Exams/Quizzes o Course work and Lab activities General Education Goals/Objectives: Goal 1 – to develop the ability to communicate Goal 6 – to promote the management and use of physical activity Goal 9 – to develop lifelong learning skills Relationship to Campus Theme: We will use modern technology in various fitness tests. We will also do some activities outside to encourage the Nature theme.
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