Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title: HORT 121 Introduction to Aquaponics Number of credits: 2 Course Description: Course provides an overview of aquaponics and its history, five different plant growth subsystems, fish and plant species, fish and plant health, and environment control methods. It will be a “modular course”. Modular is defined as a course that is shorter than a full semester term and can start and end on any week during a term. Course meets the credit hour requirement. Pre-/Co-requisites: None Course Objectives: Demonstrate a basic understanding of aquaponics. Identify and explain the difference between the five aquaponics systems. Explain the key factors of water quality for sustaining a favorable soilless and aquatic environment. Display proficiency in basic daily operations pertaining to the fish and plant health. Demonstrate awareness of recent trends and techniques used in aquaponics to make operations more productive and efficient. Instructor: Keith Knudson Office: 105 Simrall Blvd.; Bottineau, North Dakota 58318 Office Hours: TBD Phone: 701-228-5489 Email: keith.knudson@dakotacollege.edu Textbook(s): Textbook is not required. But recommended resource is Aquaponics Food Production ISBN 978-0-9779696-1-6, 218 pages, 37 color photos and diagrams, 14 grayscale photos and diagrams, soft cover, released July, 2008. SKU Number: AFPB Course Requirements: This is a pass/fail course.
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