Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

HIST 212: World Civilization since 1500 7  Majumdar, “The ‘Wretched of the Earth’ – Then and Now.” International Journal of Francophone Studies 19 Number 1 (2016); 95-105.  Friday, April 19:  Primary Source :  Mohandas Ghandi , Hind Swarji or Indian Home Rule (1938)  Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth (1961)  ICE : Essay – How did Ghandi and Fanon redefine the independence movements? Week 15: Rise of East Asia as World Power  Monday, April 22: No Class Meeting – Spring Holiday  Wednesday, April 24:  Textbook: Stearns, et al. “Chapter 39,” 937-964.  Secondary Source : Schoenhals, “Demonising Discourse in Mao Zedong’s China: People vs Non-People.” Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions 8, Nos 3-4, (2007): 465-482.  Analytical Essay : Rough Draft Due  Friday, April 26:  Primary Source : Mao Zedong, Quotations from Mao Tse Tung . 1966.  PSA or SSA: Last day to submit a PSA or SSA for Section 4  ICE : Group Presentation – How did “Red China” shape the Cold War and its aftermath? The New Global Age & Final Prep Week 16: The New Global Age, 1990s-2010s  Monday, April 29:  Textbook: Stearns, et al. “Chapter 40,” 965-985.  Analytical Essay : Final Draft Due  Group Presentation : Prep  Wednesday, May 1:  Group Presentation : Prep  Friday, May 3:  Group Presentation: Prep & Visual Presentations Due FINAL: Tuesday May 7 from 9:00-11:00 am  Visual Presentations Due : Monday May 6 at 5:00 pm General Education Goals/Objectives Nature: Goal 1: Explains the interrelationships between humans and their environment and the role of science in their lives Objective 2: Demonstrates appreciation of the natural environment  Skill 2: Assesses the impact of human activity on their environment. Objective 3: Demonstrates an awareness of the role of science in everyday life  Skill 2: Recognizes the role of science in understanding nature and society Technology: Goal 2: Demonstrates knowledge and application of technology Objective 1: Completes an assignment using an appropriate application software  Skill 1: Creates, edits, and formats a word processing document  Skill 3: Creates edits, and formats a slide show presentation  Skill 5: Demonstrates the ability to send and receive e-mail Objective 2: Uses electronic resources for course related assignments and information  Skill 1: Selects appropriate electronic resources  Skill 2: Recognizes differences in Internet resources based on address extensions