Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

HIST 212: World Civilization since 1500 5 Week 7: The Americans Rise  Monday, February 18: No Class Meeting – President’s Day  Wednesday, February 20:  Textbook: Stearns, et al. “Chapter 30,” 686-712.  Secondary Source : Annette K. Joseph-Gabriel, “Creolizing Freedom: French–Creole Translations of Liberty and Equality in the Haitian Revolution.” Slavery & Abolition 36 Issue 1, (2015): 111-123.  Analytical Essay : Outline Due  Friday, February 22:  Primary Source : Assigned to Groups  Toussaint L’Ouverture, Proclamation (1793),  Toussaint L’Ouverture, Letter to the Directory (1797),  Toussaint L’Ouverture, Regulations Regarding Field Labor (1800)  Simón de Bolívar, Message to the Congress of Angostura (1819)  ICE : PSA on American revolutions Week 8: The “East” in Crisis  Monday, February 25:  Textbook: Stearns, et al. “Chapter 31,” 713-735.  Analytical Essay : Rough Draft 1 Due  Wednesday, February 27:  Secondary Source : Edward Said, On Orientalism Part 1 of 4 , 2007. Video, 11:00.  Friday, March 1:  Primary Source : Edward Dicey , Mr. Gladstone and Our Empire (1877).  ICE : Group Presentation on perceptions of “The East” Week 9: Global Industrialization  Monday, March 4:  Textbook: Stearns, et al. “Chapter 32,” 736-756.  Analytical Essay : Rough Draft 2 Due  Wednesday, March 6:  Secondary Source : Rachael Hutchinson, “Occidentalism and Critique of Meiji: The West in the Returnee Stories of Nagai Kafū.” Japan Forum 13, Issue 2, (2001): 195-213.  Friday, March 8:  Primary Source : Assigned to Groups  Adam Smith, Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776)  Andrew Ure, The Philosophy of Manufactures (1835)  Mrs. Smart, Mrs. Britton, and Mary Hunt, Reports of Special Assistant Poor Law Commissioners on the Employment of Women and Children in Agriculture (1843)  Karl Marx, Preface to Toward A Critique of Political Economy (1859)  PSA or SSA: Last day to submit a PSA or SSA for Section 2  ICE : Essay on global industrialization Section 3: A World in Crisis: World Wars, Crises, & a Cold War, 1900-1968 Week 10: World War I & Interwar Crises  Monday, March 18:  Textbook: Stearns, et al. “Chapter 33,” 761-796.  Analytical Essay : Revised Prospectus Due or Final Draft Due  Wednesday, March 20:  Textbook: Stearns, et al. “Chapter 34,” 797-832.