Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

HIST 104: US after 1877 6  Textbook : American Passages , 859, 873, & 889-890.  Secondary Source : Articles assigned to groups  Friday, March 29: Equal Rights for All Americans  Textbook : American Passages , 924, 933, 950, & 970.  Primary Source : Songs assigned to groups  PSA or SSA: Last day to submit a PSA or SSA for Section 3  ICE : Group Presentation on gender and sexuality in America Section 4: Creating a More Perfect Union: Civil Rights and American Democracy Week 12: Creating a Progressive Democracy, 1877-1923  Monday, April 1: Populism  Analytical Essay : Revised Prospectus Due or Final Draft Due  Textbook : American Passages , 476-477, 510-513, 521-522, & 531-540.  Primary Source : William Jennings Bryan, “Cross of Gold.”  Wednesday, April 3: Progressivism  Textbook : American Passages , 550-553, 586-599, & 606-624.  Primary Source : Boone (Ed), Nash’s Political Cartoons. 2019.  Friday, April 5: Reforming American Democracy  Secondary Source : Songs assigned to groups  ICE : SSA - How and why did the progressives reimagine American democracy? Week 13: American Democracy at War and in Crisis, 1917-1946  Monday, April 8: Nationalism from WWI through the Great Depression  Analytical Essay : Outline Due  Textbook : American Passages , 645-648, 655-657, 659, 667, 675, 685-687, & 693-695.  Primary Source : Emma Goldman, “The Logic of Patriotism,” 1914.  Wednesday, April 10: A New Deal for Americans in the Great Depression  Textbook : American Passages , 722-755.  Secondary Source : EBSCO Academic Search Premier search  Friday, April 12: Internationalism and World War II  Textbook : American Passages , 759, 771, & 783-787.  Primary Source : Library of Congress search  ICE : Essay on Nationalism Week 14: The Long (and Continuing) Fight for Civil Rights in the United States, 1877-Present  Monday, April 15: Fighting Racial Segregation and Discrimination, 1877-1946  Analytical Essay : Rough Draft 1 Due  Primary Source : Songs assigned to groups  Wednesday, April 17: The Modern Civil Rights Movement, 1940-1968  Textbook : American Passages , 799-803, 808-813, 817-826, 837-843, 856-865, & 876-881.  Secondary Source : Listening assigned to groups  Friday, April 19: Enforcing Civil Rights, 1968-Present  ICE : Group Presentation – How did the Civil Rights Act (re)define American Democracy? Week 15: America Comes Apart: Political Factions in Modern American Culture, 1968-Present  Monday, April 22: No Class Meeting – Spring Holiday  Wednesday, April 24: Post-1968 America  Analytical Essay : Rough Draft 2 Due  Textbook : American Passages , 884-896 & 889-915.  Secondary Source : Critchlow, “Ideology and Power in a Divided Nation.” 270-304.  Friday, April 26: Liberals and Conservatives in American Democracy, 1980-1991  Textbook : American Passages , 918-921, 927-928, 931-933, 939-945, & 952-974  PSA or SSA: Last day to submit a PSA or SSA for Section 4.