Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Week/Unit Topics and Assignments 5 Unit 4: Plant Identification and Native, introduced, invasive and adapted plants Quiz 3 Quiz 3- Week 3 Plant List Lecture: Native, adapted, introduced, and invasive plants. Week 4 Plant List Reading: Living Landscapes in North Dakota: A GUIDE TO NATIVE PLANTSCAPING Native Plants exercise: See BlackBoard Page Lab 6 Unit 5: Plant Identification and Pollinator, birds and biodiversity plant selections Quiz 4 Quiz 4- Week 4 Plant List Lecture: Plants for pollinators, birds and biodiversity Video: Great Gardening - Bees and Pollinator s https://youtu.be/h8iCEf72ypU People, Plants and Pollinators | Nat Geo Live https://youtu.be/rmL_XTrPOMw Week 5 Plant List Reading: Bee-utiful Landscapes: Building a Pollinator Garden; Butterfly Gardening in North Dakota Biodiversity exercise: See BlackBoard Page Lab: 7 Unit 6: Plant Identification and Hardiness zones Quiz 5 Quiz 5- Week 5 Plant List Lecture: Plant Hardiness Zones Week 6 Plant List Reading: Explore the NOAA website , https://www.noaa.gov/ Hardiness Exercise: See BlackBoard Page Lab 8 Review Week Quiz 6 Quiz 6- Week 6 Plant List Lecture: Review for Plant Identification Exam, Plant Cultural Information Exam Master Plant List Lab Exam Review Video and Worksheet “Living Soil” Film https://youtu.be/ntJouJhLM48 9 Midterm Exam Plant Identification Cultural Information Exam Lab Identification Exam March 11-15 Spring Break 10 Unit 7: Containers for herbaceous annuals and perennials Lecture: Container Basics Video: Advanced Container Gardening https://youtu.be/SeTB5EEN64E Container design and plant selection assignment: See BlackBoard Page Lab 11 Unit 8: Green Infrastructure: Landscape features for stormwater management Quiz 7 Quiz 7: Week 9 Container Basics Lecture: Stormwater management in the landscape, Rain Gardens Readings: Landscape designs for Stormwater management; Rain Gardens- Capturing and Using the Rains of the Great Plains; Rain Gardens a how-to manual for homeowners Raingarden design assignment: See BlackBoard Page Lab 12 Unit 9: Annual bedding lesson and cultivar selection Quiz 8 Quiz 8: Week 10 Stormwater management in the landscape, Rain Gardens Lecture: Annual bedding plants Video: Crop Scheduling of Bedding Plant s https://youtu.be/2AHHDKgJL-o Reading: Annual and Perennial Flowers for North Dakota-NDSU Extension Annual Cultivar Selection Exercise: See BlackBoard Page Annual bed, herbaceous perennial bed, or mixed border assignment Lab