Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title : FWLD 122 – Wildlife & Fisheries Techniques Course Description : Provide a basic understanding of the biological principles, field, and laboratory techniques involved in research and management of non-game and game wildlife and fish species and their habitat. Course Objectives : A) To develop a basic methodology of providing sound management plans for a variety of birds, mammals, and fish species, B) Community, habitat, and ecosystem management approach to integrated management plans, C) Develop philosophies for seasonal requirements for resident and migratory species, and D) Develop basic requirements for warm and cold water species of fish. Instructor : Shubham Datta Office : NSC 114 Office hours : By appointment. Office phone : 701-228-5463 E-mail : shubham.datta@dakotacollege.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule : Tues, Thurs 9:00-9:50/ LAB: TH. 1-4:50 Labs in this course require some travel to field labs as outlined in the syllabus. These labs are required as part of the course and occur on a yearly basis with professionals in the field. The schedule of labs is subject to change as required by weather or other circumstances. To pass the course Lecture and Lab attendance are required. Students will attend 2019 NDCTWS between 13-15 February in Mandan ND. Students will attend 2019 Dakota AFS between 25-27 February, in Fargo, ND. Course Website: Moodle Website from DCB Online course site. Textbook(s) : 1. The Wildlife Techniques Manual: Volume 1: Research. Volume 2: Management, 7th Edition Johns Hopkins University Press ISBN: 978-1421401591. (Text is not required but recommended for Wildlife majors.) Course Requirements : 2 Scientific Papers each 100 pts. The Final Paper is a requirement for the class. A passing grade cannot be achieved if the final paper is not handed in. Weekly quizzes in Lecture and Lab each 50 pts.
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