Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Exams may be taken on any computer with Internet access. Hence, students need to set up or select an environment conducive to testing (e.g. distraction-free area at home, a computer lab in a library, etc.) Tests are not proctored. Students may use their books and/or notes while taking exams. Exams consist of multiple choice, short answer and essay type questions. Exams must be completed in sequence, and all tests must be completed within the timeframe of the class. There is no final comprehensive exam. Delivery Method: Assignments submitted by mail or online by using e-mail or the course mail software. Students are not expected to come to campus at any time. Grading: Grading will be based on tests after each 1 or 2 Chapters. Grades will be figured as a percentage of the total possible points and letter grades assigned on a straight 90%-80%-70%-60% basis. Lab grades will be determined by attendance and exercises assigned and turned in. Attendance on Field Trips, Participation in Class, Interest in Current Events and other examples of interest and enthusiasm, while not assigned specific scores, will be noted and may accumulate "Brownie Points" influencing borderline letter grades. CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJECT ASSIGNMENT Introduction and History Chap. 1 Benefits and Uses of Trees Chap. 2,3,4 Appraisals (Shade Tree, Shelterbelt and Parks) Chap. 5 Street Tree Inventories Chap. 6 Parks and Natural Resource Inventories Chap. 7 Planning Process and Urban Forestry Chap. 8 Ordinances, Laws, and Standards. (Quiz) Chap. 9 THE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR STREET TREES Chap. 10-12 Planning, Planting and Maintenance Park and Open Space Vegetation Management Chap. 13
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