Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Tentative Course Outline: Children and their literature Reading and literature Fairy tales Poetry Religion: Judeo-Christian stories Picture books Nonfiction: biography and informational books General Education Goals/Objectives: Expresses ideas through effective writing Skill 1: Uses the stages of the writing process to develop, organize, and present ideas in writing Skill 2: Analyzes the demands and possible strategies of a writing task, based on topic, purpose, context, and audience, and then accomplish that task with clarity Skill 3: Demonstrates competent writing that includes a clear, original thesis or claim, appropriate evidence and support, a logical structure, and a style of language that serves the writer’s purpose and audience Skill 4: Uses Edited Standard Written English in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax, and presents written work in a style and format consistent with the demands of an academic setting http://www.dakotacollege.edu/academics/general-education-goals-objective-skills/ Reads at a level that allows participation in collegiate studies and chosen careers Skill 1: Anticipates and understands the structure and organization of written work Skill 2: Recognizes an author’s thesis and forms of support Skill 3: Evaluates the effectiveness and validity of an author’s style, organization, support, evidence, and presentation Skill 4: Demonstrates awareness of the connection that style and language have to an author’s topic, audience, context, and purpose Skill 5: Assimilates and connects information and ideas from multiple written sources http://www.dakotacollege.edu/academics/general-education-goals-objective-skills/ By the end of first-year composition, students should Use composing and reading for inquiry, learning, critical thinking, and communicating in various rhetorical contexts
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