Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

April 3 Critical Theory: Reader Response pp.2176-2180; Jackson “The Lottery” pp. 575-578; Atwood “Happy Endings” pp.424-426; Dickinson “The Bustle in the House” p. 936; Cummings “anyone lived in a pretty how town” pp. 1094-1095 April 5 Critical Theory: Structuralist Perspectives pp.2183-2186; Deconstructive Perspectives pp. 2186-2189; Dickinson “I’m Wife—I’ve Finished That” p. 916; Marquez “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” pp.399-403; Borges “The Garden of Forking Paths” pp. 378- 384 April 8 Critical Theory: Cultural Perspectives pp. 2189-2191; Critical Theory: Using Critical Perspectives as Heuristics pp. 2192-2193; Achebe “Marriage Is a Private Affair” pp. 373- 377; Jin “Taking a Husband” pp. 385-396; Singer “Gimpel the Fool” pp. 404-414 April 10 Ellison “Battle Royal” pp.504-513; Baldwin “Sonny’s Blues” pp. 433-454; Hughes “Dream Deferred” p.994; “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” p. 995 April 12 Walker “Everyday Use” pp.743-749; Bambara “The Lesson” pp. 427-432; Cullen “Incident” p. 1094 April 15 Silko “Yellow Woman” pp. 718-725; Alexie “Indian Education” pp. 320-324; Erdrich “Indian Boarding School” p.106 April 17 Tan “Rules of the Game” pp. 734-742; Song “Lost Sister” pp. 1188-1190; Basho “Three Haiku” p.1046 April 24 Final paper Forster “The Celestial Omnibus” April 26 Hemingway “Hills Like White Elephants” pp. 563-567; Fitzgerald “Babylon Revisited” pp. 527-540 April 29 Melville “Bartleby ” pp.3-34