Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

March 4 The Elizabethan Theater: Shakespeare in Context pp. 1386-1391 March 6 The Tragedy of Othello pp. 1455-1542 March 8 “The Modern Realistic Theater” pp. 1663-1664; “Envisioning Drama: Williams and Miller in Performance” pp.1717-1722 March 18 The Glass Menagerie pp. 1722-1777, or Death of a Salesman pp. 1777-1847 March 20 Joyce “The Boarding House” pp.579-583; Chekov “The Lady with the Dog” pp. 466-476 March 22 Critical Theory: Reading for Analysis; The Canon and the Curriculum; What we Read; Why We Read; How We Read pp.2153-2160; Introduce second paper; Formalist Perspectives pp. 2161-2163 March 25 Critical Theory: Biographical Perspective pp. 2164-2165; Historical Perspectives pp. 2166-2168; Dickinson “ Some Keep the Sabbath going to Church” p. 921; Browning “How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways” 1080; Blake “The Chimney Sweeper” pp. 887-888; Owen “Dulce et Decorum Est pp. 1166-1167; Joyce “The Dead” pp. 584-610 March 27 Critical Theory: Psychological Perspectives pp.2169-2171; Critical Theory: Mythological Perspective pp.2180-2183; O’Connor “My Oedipus Complex” pp. 697-704; Hawthorne “Young Goodman Brown” pp.553-562; Thomas “Fern Hill” pp.1198-1199; Yeats “The Second Coming” p. 1219 March 29 Critical Theory: Sociological Perspectives pp. 2172-2174; Critical Theory: Feminist Critical Perspectives pp.2174-2176; Olsen “I stand Here Ironing” pp.705-710; Olds “35/10” p.1165 April 1 Gilman “The Yellow Wallpaper” pp. 541-552; Kincaid “Girl pp. 397-398; Clifton “Homage to My Hips” p. 1084