Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Tentative Course Outline: Syllabus: Introduction to Literature Spring 2019 January 9 Introduce class: Discuss literature and genre January 11 Chapter 1: Reading stories pp.27-42; Chapter 2: Types of short fiction pp. 43-48 January 14 Chapter 3: Elements of Fiction: Plot and Structure pp.49-51 “Guests of the Nation” pp. 51-59; Elements of Fiction: Character pp.59-62 “Astronomer’s Wife” pp. 62-66 January 16 Elements of Fiction: Setting pp.66-67 “Shiloh” pp. 67-77 Elements of Fiction: Point of View pp. 77-78 ; “A Rose for Emily” pp. 79-84 Language and style, pp. 85-86 January 18 Video of “Rose for Emily” January 23 “Araby” pp. 86-90; Elements of Fiction: Theme pp. 90-91 “A Worn Path” pp. 91-97 January 25 Elements of Fiction: Irony and symbol pp. 97-99 “The Rocking-Horse Winner” 100-110; Porter “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall” pp. 712-717 January 28 Reading Poems pp. 763-774; Types of Poetry pp. 775-778; “Edward, Edward” pp.1057- 1059 January 30 Elements of Poetry: Voice: Speaker and Tone 779-783 “Naming of Parts” pp.785-786 February 1 Writing about Fiction pp.111-129; Writing About Poetry pp. 843-861; Assign the First Paper February 4 Elements of Poetry: Diction pp. 787-791; Elements of Poetry: Imagery pp. 793-796 “Heat”pp.797-798; Elements of Poetry: Syntax pp.810-815