Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
• Use Edited Standard Written English in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax, and present written work in a style and format consistent with the demands of an academic setting. Read at a level that allows students to participate in collegiate studies and chosen careers Sub-competencies: • Anticipate and understand the structure and organization of written work. • Recognize the purpose of a written text, and understand the rhetorical strategies used in a text to convey meaning. • Relate the students’ own life experiences to the information in literary, public, scholarly or professional texts. • Evaluate the effectiveness and validity of an author’s style, organization, support, evidence, and presentation. • Demonstrate awareness of the connection that style and language have to an author’s topic, audience, and purpose. • Assimilate and connect information and ideas from multiple written sources. Use information resources effectively Sub-competencies: • Find, consult, and use a variety of information resources. • Evaluate the relevance and reliability of sources. • Use information resources ethically and honestly, preserving the meaning of the source and documenting the use of the source in the style appropriate for the student’s discipline or field. • Integrate source material smoothly and clearly into the student’s own text. Work collaboratively with others Sub-competencies: • Participate in class discussions and in any group projects or activities. • Participate effectively in class discussions, peer editing, and group activities or projects, responding productively and respectfully to the work and ideas of others and considering the ideas and suggestions of others with respect and consideration. Relationship to Campus Theme: Students in ENGL 211 will read, analyze, and respond to imaginative works written about or in response to nature, technology, or beyond. Classroom Policies: Students should attend class, do all of the quizzes and tests, and do all the reading and writing assignments. Late work earns no score. Plagiarized work will be failed. All work submitted for this class should be written for this class this semester. For more on the topic of plagiarism see the section below. Academic Integrity:
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