Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

February 15 Effective sentences worksheet due Final Draft: First Essay Introduce the second paper and Select Topics The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing : Chapter 8: Justifying an Evaluation pp.335 Readings pp. 341-351; Basic Features: Evaluations pp. 337-341 February 20 The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing : Guide to Writing pp. 365-373 Prewriting and Introduce Thesis The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing : Chapter 22: Field Research pp. 616-624 Coyote Warrior: One Man, Three Tribes, and the Trial That Forged a Nation. “ Into the Storm” pp. 225-248. February 22 Tentative thesis and outline due The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing : Chapter 23: Using Sources to Support Your Ideas pp. 632-643. The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing : Organizing a Draft pp. 373-375; Chapter 26: Essay Examinations pp. 686-699 February 25 Midterm February 27 Midterm March 1 The Things They Carried : “The Things They Carried,” pp. 1-25 The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing : Chapter 17: Classifying 569-575 March 4 Classification paragraph due The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing : Chapter 24: Using and Acknowledging Sources: Acknowledging Sources pp. 744-673 The Things They Carried : “Love,” pp. 26-29; “Spin,” pp. 30-36 March 6 The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing : Evaluating the Draft: Using Peer Review pp.376- 377; Revising, Editing, Proofreading pp. 378-381 First Draft: Revise in Class March 8 Writing Conferences