Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

EDUC 260 Educational Psychology Tanya R. Mooney, M.Ed. Online Syllabus Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Keep this syllabus for reference throughout the semester. Course Title: Educational Psychology Instructor: Tanya R. Mooney, M. Ed., Ed.D. Course Prefix/Number: EDUC 260 Office: Online Class Location: Online Office Hours: Online Lecture/Lab Schedule: Online Instructor Contact Information: Phone: 480-696-0127 Email: mrsmooney3@gmail.com Credits: 3 Pre-/Co-requisites: EDUC 250 Introduction to Education Course Description: EDUC 260 is intended to provide the student with knowledge about the field of educational psychology and particularly how those ideas apply to effective teaching practices in the classroom. The course will focus on the following essential questions: How should the development of children and adolescents influence our classrooms and teaching practices? How do people learn? How do cognitive, motivational, environmental and cultural factors influence learning? Relationship to Campus Theme: The purpose of the Education and Human Development Discipline is to educate students for careers as paraeducators, teachers, early childhood professionals and adult caregivers. The discipline provides coursework which transitions to higher degrees and work-related skills. Programs must prepare professionals based on industry standards and provide an educational continuum for degree advancement. Dakota College at Bottineau is committed to a hands-on learning environment and uses field experiences in educational settings as common instructional techniques. Goals/Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: - Discuss authorities and theories in the fields of educational psychology - Explain the relationship between theories and educational practice - Analyze and reflect upon classroom interactions and structures - Employ ideas from the field of educational psychology to design appropriate education experiences