Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

7 | P a g e STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES:  You are expected to read the relevant materials and participate in class discussions in a timely manner.  You are expected to respect your fellow students and the Instructor in online and on campus discussions.  It is your responsibility to ask questions when you are uncertain about assignments or course materials.  If you have questions concerning grades, you should contact the Instructor immediately. You are responsible for checking Blackboard in a timely fashion to ensure that the grade recorded is your correct grade.  It is your responsibility to contact the Instructor as soon as possible if you are encountering any issues that would hinder your performance in this class.  You are responsible for earning your grade (with the Instructor making every effort to help you learn the material).  If you are concerned about your grade, you should speak to the Instructor NO LATER than mid-term. No consideration will be given to request to adjust your grade at the end of the semester unless there is an error in calculations. GRIEVANCE POLICY Occasionally, students are dissatisfied with some dimension of the course. In such cases, students should first schedule a meeting with the instructor. If the student and instructor cannot reach a satisfactory resolution, the student should schedule a meeting with the Chair of the Department. (See page 10 of the Student Code of Conduct.) TITLE IX Survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, and sexual harassment: please be aware that as an instructor, I am legally obligated to report all instances of sexual assault, domestic violence, and sexual harassment involving students. If you would like to speak to someone confidentially, please contact the WSC Counselor at (701)774-4212 (they are NOT mandated to report such instances). FINAL EXAMS/ACTIVITIES Students are required to take the final examination or engage in the final activity on the date and at the time presented as part of the course syllabus. Exceptions may be made only in emergency situations and in the case of scheduling conflicts with college sponsored events by promptly submitting a written request detailing the circumstances to the instructor of the course. The meeting time for your final is: TBD