Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

2 | P a g e If you prefer a physical textbook that closely follows course information, please consider this textbook as an optional supplement:  Economics , 21st edition, by McConnell, Brue, and Flynn, ISBN# 1259723224 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES INSTITUTIONAL OUTCOMES I. Students will use reasoning skills to analyze and solve problems. II. Students will demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures and value systems. PROGRAM OUTCOMES I. Students will use reasoning skills to analyze and solve problems. II. Students will demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures and value systems. COURSE OUTCOMES 1. Apply basic economic principles to job-related situations and/or future academic pursuits. 2. Effectively analyze the truthfulness and accuracy of widely-dispersed economic statements. 3. Knowledge of and respect for diverse economic realities across cultures. ASSESSMENT TASKS (FOR COURSE OUTCOMES)  Activities: Participate in in-class activities demonstrating knowledge of bartering, inflation, GDP, and other key topics.  Exams: Complete examinations demonstrating mastery of both concepts and process skills.  Textbook: Complete textbook readings, questions, and problems (both individually and collaboratively) demonstrating mastery of both concepts and process skills. PROCESS SKILLS  Evaluate the decision-making process using marginal benefit and marginal cost.  Construct a budget line and a production possibilities curve.  Differentiate between command systems and market systems.  Construct market equilibrium diagrams using supply and demand.  Calculate GDP given a set of expenditure data.  Calculate growth estimates using the Rule of 70.  Define the four stages of a business cycle.  Calculate unemployment rates given applicable data.