Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
AH 142 Intermediate Coding I 3 Credits Course Description: This course is designed to provide students with medical coding skills. The focus of the class is on ICD-10-CM and CPT-4 coding. Prerequisites: AH 138 & AH 139 Course Objectives: Students are expected to • Utilize CPT and ICD-10 concepts and coding skills to code medical records and other medical documents. • Follow coding guidelines and sequencing rules. Instructor: Mary Aboutar Office: Online Office Hours: Tuesday& Thursday 10:00am-2:00pm (CST) or by appointment. Email: Use the eMail tool within the online course to communicate with the instructor. Course eMail messages will be checked regularly, Monday through Friday. Class Schedule: Online If you have a technical problem, contact the Distance Education office by calling 1-701-228- 5479 or 1-888-918-5623. Textbooks: Title: 2018 Step-by-Step Medical Coding Author: Carol Buck Edition/Year: 2018 ISBN: 978-0-323-43081-4 Title: ICD-10-CM For Hospitals Edition/Year: 2018 ISBN: 978-0-323-43072-2 Title: CPT-4 2018 Standard Author: American Medical Association Publisher: American Medical Association Edition/Year : 2018 ISBN : 978-1-62202-598-5 Course Requirements: Assignments: Each chapter will have a graded assignment that should be completed. All assignments (quizzes) will have an individual score that will be worth part of the total grade.
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